What to say about me.
Frankly nothing really interesting.
Well, you have my real name in the top of the page. Why “Giskardrev” because was my nickname in the early age of the internet and clearly is derived from one of the robots of the Robot Cycle by Isaac Asimov, that I revere as one of the greatest Science fiction writers of all times. The robot in question is R. Giskard Reventlov, the one that gave R. Daneel Olivaw the power of read and alter human minds.
I’m just a ordinary Italian guy fond of everything Sci-Fi and only partially in Fantasy books. I’m also interested in cooking and Italian politics (soon you will find some entryes dedicated specifically to this).
I’m also a dedicated modeler since I was really young. I started with airplane models and dioramas for games such as Warhammer, Warhammer 40K and historical DBM and DBA. With time I moved to Sci-Fi modeling and only once per year to nativity projects for Christmas. So basically the blog will be about models
I decided to start this blog to share my interests and help other fellows modelers.
Hope you could enjoy my little effort.
You can subscribe to my channels, join the newsletter or send me a mail if you like.
Sincerely yours, Sandro