Master Yoda from Star Wars Printed with 3D printer

This is my model of Master Yoda from the Star Wars franchise. I printed it with my Creality Ender 3 Neo in PLA.

I don’t think is useful to insert some information about this iconic protagonist of the Star Wars franchise. If you don’t know him, shame on you and go to Wikipedia.

Well, this model came up quite well from the start. It was in PLA with the standard printing configuration, I just added the brim to be sure about the adhesion to the plate and some supports for some hanging stuff like the hand and the ears.

Some general filing and removal of bit of parts and the model was ready for painting.

I applied a primer coat of Camo Green and inspected the surface. This was a model in PLA, so no possibility to use the Acetone bath to smooth the surfaces, so all the ridges were filed and after the first coat of color filled with some transparent acrylic filler (I used Cristal Clear from AMMO that do a wonderful job for that, even if it’s not its intended use).

At this pont the real challenge started because I had to paint almost everything by hand. I chose different shades of green for the face and body and a dirty white with some ochre yellow for the vest.

I applied some additional layers of Crystal clear on the head since the ridges were still too visible and then started to paint all the other parts.

Quite ugly no? After a nice wash with oil colors finally the model started to be nicer. Finally a light drybrushing of clearer green to improve the details on the face and on the ears.

By the way, the original Yoda is not bald at all but has some remains of hair that are visible in the movies. I tried to create this by placing first a good spray of matte varnish on the head, and after few seconds I applied a flock of cotton on the head, the result is what you see on the picture on the left. Not bad

The model was basically finished. In the end I added a squared base (the kind that you find in bricolage shops) in heavy pressed cardboard painted it in black and glossy coated. As final touch the cane that I realized with a simple piece of wood that I carved with a cutter and painted brown, with some drybrushing to highlight the details.

Hope that you liked it.








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